Add personal repository

To add a personal repository after having already installed a sostrades local platform, you can follow the following steps.

1. Clone repository

Add your personal repository in the folder sostrades-dev-tools/models/<new repository>

2. Update conda env

Run the following command to update your conda environment from the folder sostrades-dev-tools/ by replacing with your repository name in the command.

echo "$PWD/models/<new repository>" >> $(conda info --envs | awk -v env="SOSTradesEnv" '$0 ~ env {print $2 "/lib/python3.9/site-packages/conda.pth"}') 

Or you can edit the conda.pth file by yourself. You can find where the file is located with this command

conda info --envs | awk -v env="SOSTradesEnv" '$0 ~ env {print $2 "/lib/python3.9/site-packages/conda.pth"}'

Add the path of your repository at the end of the conda.pth file.

3. Update vscode settings.json file

Edit the sostrades-dev-tools/.vscode/settings.json file by adding your repository name at the end of python.analysis.extraPaths section

"python.analysis.extraPaths": [
        "./models/<new repository>"

4. Rebuild Ontology (optional)

If you want the ontology to take into account your new code, you need to re-build the ontology by running this command from sostrades-dev-tools/ folder

docker compose build ontology

5. Restart API and Ontology

Your new repository will be implemented in the platform after restarting API and Ontology. The best way is to run the two following commands

docker compose down
docker compose up